Five High Marketplace -- Overrated Pastrami

After seeing so many people posting about the Outrageous Pastrami at Five High Marketplace, we decided to track out to Huntington to experience what some people have labelled as the best pastrami on Long Island. They even claim it could be better than Katz’s.

Five High Marketplace was incredible clean for a deli.

They had a limited menu of specials with the most prounced being the Outrageous Pastrami

I asked the woman at the counter about the 14 oz Pastrami and whether it was the best on Long Island. She reported that some people loved it while others did not. That was not a good sign. I was intrigued with the Cajun Chicken but since I headed for the “Best Pastrami on Long Island”, I had no choice but to order it. Expectations ran high.

The Good: Tasty Pastrami that ranks in the top quartile of pastrami’s . Very large serving. I like the thick cut of meat as opposed to some of their competitors slice it so thin it is like any other deli meat.

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The Bad: Actually not the bad, my expectations ran so high that I only wanted the best pastrami. In the end, a very solid sandwich but it is not as rich or tasty as Katz’ or even Lido Kosher. The sandwich was in the end a little bland to be the best. I think that it needed more spices added to the pastrami and/or a little more smokey flavor.

My conclusion is that the Outrageous Pastrami from Five High Marketplace is a very good sandwich but falls short of the top tier pastrami sandwiches on Long Island.

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